1. Know God How

Kejadian 1:1-2:3

K1 Allah created the earth & sky

Kejadian 2:7-25

K2 God created the first human

Kejadian 3:1-24

K3 Humans do not obey God

Kejadian 4:1-17, 25-26

K4 Cain & Abel

Kejadian 6:5-9:17

K5 Noah and the Flood

Kejadian 11:27-12:20

K6 God calls Abram

Kejadian 22:1-19

K7 Abraham & Isaac

Keluaran 3:1-4:20

K8 Allah Calls Moses

Keluaran 12:1-38, 13:19, 12:39-41

K9 Easter Celebration

Keluaran 19:1-20:21

K10 The Ten Commandments

2 Samuel 11:1-12:25

K11 David and Bathsheba

Mikha 5:2, Yesaya 7:14, 53:2-12

K12 God's promise to send the Messiah

Lukas 1:26-56, 2:1-20

K13 Angel tells Jesus was born

Matius 3:1-17

K14 John the Baptist and Jesus is baptized

Yohanes 1:28-34

K15 Jesus the Lamb of God

Yohanes 3:1-6, 9-10, 12, 16-18

K16 Nicodemus speaks with Jesus

Yohanes 4:1-42

K17 Samaritan woman and Jesus talking

Markus 2:1-12

K18 A Paralyzed Man

Markus 2:13-17

K19 Matthew Tax Collector

Lukas 7:36-50

K20 A sinful woman anointed Jesus' feet

Markus 4:35-5:20

K21 Jesus calmed the storm and drove out the evil spirit

Markus 5:21-43

K22 The bleeding woman & Jairus' daughter

Markus 7:31-37

K23 Jesus heals a man who can't hear & speak

Lukas 16:19-31

K24 The Rich Man & Lazarus

Matius 19:1-12

K25 Jesus talks about Divorce

Matius 20:20-28

K26 Important people must serve everyone

Lukas 22:7-14, Matius 26:21-35

K27 Jesus disciples eat the last supper

Matius 26:47-27:5

K28 Jewish leaders put Jesus on trial

Lukas 23:1-16, Matius 27:15-3

K29 Pilate tries Jesus

Matius 27:32-60

K30 Jesus was crucified, died, buried

Matius 28:2-4, Yohanes 20:1-18

K31 Jesus came back to life

Matius 28:16-20, Kisah Para Rasul 1:4-12

K32 Jesus gives an important message

Kisah Para Rasul 2:1-8, 11-24, 29-33, 36-41

K33 Holy Spirit & Thousands of believers

Kisah Para Rasul 2:41-47

K34 Fellowship of believers


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