F1 "Noah and His Descendants" F2A "Keluarga Abram dan Keluarga Lot berpisah" F3 "God made a covenant with Abram" F4 "Sarai tells Abram to take Hagar as his second wife" F5 "Perjanjian Allah dengan Abraham" F6 "Abraham meets three guests" F7 "Sodom dan Gomora" F8 "Abraham berbohong pada Abimelek" F9 "2 Sons of Abraham Ishmael and Isaac" F10 "Saudara-saudara Mengkhianati Yusuf" F11 "Yusuf Menolak Godaan" F12 "God saved Israel" F13 "Allah menyediakan bagi orang Israel" F14 "Anak lembu emas" F15 "Miryam and Aaron reproached Moses" F16 "Musa Mengirim 12 Mata-mata" F17 "God ordered the Israelites to destroy the city of Jericho" F18 "Dosa Akhan dan Kekalahan Ai" F19 "Allah Memanggil Samuel" F20 "God chose David" F21 "Daud mengalahkan Goliat" F22 "Siria menyerang Israel, Elisa mencegah" F23 "Patung Emas Tinggi" F24 "Daniel dan Gua Singa" F25 "The devil tempts Jesus" F26 "Jesus drove out people buying and selling in the House of God" F27 "Simon & friends fishing" F28 "Jesus heals the centurion's sick servant" F29 "Jesus walked on water" F30 "Perintah adat Yahudi, Yesus berkata apa?" F31 "Jesus casts out an evil spirit from a boy" F32 "If your brother sins" F33 "Woman caught in adultery, what did Jesus do" F34 "Jesus heals a blind man" F 35 "Jesus sent 70 disciples two by two" F36 "Orang Samaria yang Baik Hati" F37 "Jesus tells the story of the lost sheep, the lost money, the lost son" F38 "Jesus commands Lazarus to come back to life" F39 "Zacchaeus meets Jesus" F40 "Jesus tells the parable of the wine" F41 "Jesus prays in Gethsemane" F42 "Jesus & the Disciples to Emmaus" F43 "Jesus comes back to life and meets the disciples"